Saviours Day 2023
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Saviours Day 2023

Hear the life giving teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad every sunday at 2PM in the city of Philadelphia Pa.Hosted by Muhammads Temple #12,Bro. Al Muntaquin Ali Is our Minister.    We must unite at any cost!!!!!  If My Brother Has A Bowl Of Bean Soup ,I got Half.
When in New York City Visit Muhammads Temple # 7.Located at the Harlem Y.M.C.A. 135th Street and Malcom X Blvd.Brother Minister Shabazz and Brother Minister Issac Fard Muhammad every sunday at 4pm.Pure Teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad.

Call for information about meetings in the Philadelphia area. 215 849 2094 or 215 232 1109

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Saviours Day 2023

Muhammad Speaks Philadelphia

Saviours Day 2023

Saviours Day Memories

Muhammad`s Temple Radio listen to the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad 24Hrs a Day

Muhammads Temple Radio GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

All Praise is due to Allah Master Fard Muhammad.
Prison Ministry And information Our prison ministry has been active since 1991.May Allah Master Fard Muhammad keep blessing it.
Saviours Day 2023

We thank Allah Master Fard Muhammad for this site Brother.

We thank Allah and thank Allah for Messenger Elijah Muhammad.

Visit Muhammads Temple#12 Where you can not only read the Lambs teachings,but you can live them.Mire belief counts for nothing ,unless put into practice.Remember that.As you the believer do better,we will do better at Muhammads Temple.As Salaam Alaikum 

The Lance Shabazz Show A true fighter and believer in Messenger Elijah Muhammads teachings.
Messenger Elijah Muhammad Himself

Click on next button for more information about chicago history.

Some history of theLambs work 44 years the Lamb worked for our people.
Here is some truth for real.

White power poster that says it all.

Videos Of Muhammads Temple Events and Meetings

Life giving teachings from the mouth of god.

We want for our brother what we want for our self.

Information call 1 215 232 1109  for Muhammads Temple#12 and Muhammads temple# 7

Unite, Stop eating your dead brothers flesh.Save our lost brother.